Equipments - Compound Washer
Compound Washer is used to wash a pulp stream with two shower streams. Vat consistency and outlet consistency are defined by the user. |
Data Description |
Equipment Properties |
Example |
Method&Equations |
Warnings |
Errors |
Data | Unit | Description | ||
Set | Item | Type | Native | |
Equipment Properties | Vat Consistency | Fraction or percentage | fraction | Consistency of the vat |
Mat Consistency | Fraction or percentage | fraction | Consistency of the outlet pulp stream | |
Displacement Ratio | The fraction of Or replaced with shower water |
This composite item works as a dilute equipment. That is, it dilutes the inlet stream to the desired vat consistency using the second shower stream inlet plus the first shower stream after the first pass. Pulp from the vat is washed with the first shower stream and pulp stream is deckered until desired outlet consistency is obtained.
If the shower flow is zero, the washer model acts like a 'decker' and only dewaters the pulp to outlet mat consistency. No displacement takes place in liquor flow.
All solids (pulp, etc.) are assumed to leave with the outlet pulp stream.